
international women’s day 2020

2 min readMar 22, 2020

I think I’m quite passionate about women because I feel for them on a much deeper level, I relate to their problems and it makes it much easier for me to form connections with them and that’s how I’ve been since a young age.

Growing up in Asia, I was always self-conscious that I never seemed feminine enough. I often saw myself as too loud and expressive, too aggressive and I had a big build which made it hard for me to get male attention. I was jealous of the innocent girls with the ‘cute’ screams that boys would go so crazy for. I often thought “well they don’t like you becuase they wanna feel like strong heroes but how are they going to protect you if they’re smaller than you??” (LOL)

When I grew older I came to appreciate this ‘independent woman’ view people seemed to have of me when I witnessed much meeker women around me being fetishsised and targetted for their seemingly submissive nature. Guys will try to rush to ‘help’ them, question their capabilities, comment on their clothing and body inappropriately etc. Granted some boys would get kinda scared of me (LOL again), I just think it’s funny and also better than getting bothered by the pesky ‘nice guys’ all the time.

Unfortunately I have not completely escaped creepy guys in my lifetime (there are too many tbh) but there is much to be grateful for, like not getting targetted as a teenager. It saddens me that are so many problems that I think have to be addressed at its root but I acknowledge that it is never too late to educate. Asking for men to see a woman’s perspective is difficult. Not many are willing to but it doesn’t mean we stop trying to help our brothers, fathers, friends and boyfriends understand.

I believe in supporting other women, standing up for those who don’t have a voice and teaching and showing your children that women are strong, powerful and worthy of respect.

Happy (belated) International Women’s Day to all the beautiful women.




a child of God - this is a journal that has followed me from angsty teenage gripes to now, where i navigate the fluctuating waters of early adulthood